Project supported by Mr X Charity Year 2020 Xmas Presents Project funded by ILA Member ECC Year 2021 Xmas Presents Project funded by ILA-WALES Member ECC
The Open University and ILA-WALES CIC are co-producing the Spanish-speaking Swansea Project as part of the Covid-19 Chronicles research. The Project started in November 2019 and the Photography Exhibition will take place during Easter 2022 at the Volcano Theatre, High Street, Swansea, SA1 1LG. All welcome! The Open University COVID-19 Chronicles from the Margins. An [...]
Fully funded by a grant from West Glamorgan Regional Partnership and Swansea Bay University Health Board for which we are very grateful. The overall purpose of the project is to cater for the mental health and linguistic needs of our members and to provide information and therapies that would help them empower and heal themselves. [...]
Co-produced with Swansea Lighthouse Theatre ILA-WALES CIC and Swansea Lighthouse Theatre coproduced a Theatre Workshop together on Saturday 12th of February at the Swansea Volcano Theatre. It was a wonderful afternoon full of fun, theatre games and exercises, plus we took part in a unique language sharing event. A small group of professional actors from [...]
within post-pandemic times Find a job, plan, and built your future You have moved to the UK with valuable knowledge and skills. How do you start using them in a CV to apply for that first job that could take you where you want to be? This series of free workshops will support [...]
Vegan Workshop Art Therapy for Adults Art Therapy for Children Psychodrama for Women Focus Group for Men Community Gardening Session 1 Community Gardening Session 2 Social Bonds & Social Bridges Schedule 2023 Sponsored By
Visit to the National Botanic Garden of Wales BOTANIC GARDEN WALES The photos below were taken by ILA-WALES member Nathaly Buitrago, a photography student at Gower College. Sponsored by
Project 19 is being led by the African Community Centre in Swansea and co-produced with ILA-WALES CIC and another eleven organisations, including Swansea Council, the Glynn Vivian Gallery and Swansea City of Sanctuary.
For further details, please email: ILA-WALES' Creative Art Workshops for Adults at the GVG. ILA-WALES' Creative Art Workshops for Children at the GVG Sponsored by