Month: September 20, 2024

Project 2 – Spanish Conversation Club

Members Laura and Mali reported that the Spanish<>English Conversation Club will go ahead on Mondays between 5 pm and 6:30 pm via Zoom for the time being. The Spanish Conversation Club will cater for three different groups (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and native speakers of Spanish will facilitate the three levels in an informal setting, [...]

Project 4 – Cartoneras

This project involves creative writing, followed by making and designing our own book covers made from recycled cardboard. Therefore, it also involves self-publication of the group's writing output. It is due to start when the the Glynn Vivian Gallery (book cover making and artwork) reopens its doors to group activities.

Project 6 – Tackling Digital Poverty

This Project was funded by Community Foundation Wales and implemented during June, July and August 2020. 35 Adult Tablets and 15 Children's Tablets were distributed amongst members who needed them to access education and training. It has also enabled members to participate in other community activities, as well as other ILA-WALES Projects.

Project 7 – Reusable Face Masks

This Project was funded by Swansea Council for Voluntary Service. The Committee commissioned the adult tablets from Swansea For the Love of Scrubs, and made a donation to them.   Then, bought 50 children's masks. Altogether, we distributed 100 adult masks and 50 children's masks to vulnerable members to protect themselves when travelling in public [...]