Identity over Time: Spanish-Speaking Swansea

Dear Friends / Querid@s Amig@s / Annwyl Ffrindiau,
Please join us for the launch of a photographic exhibition: Identity over Time: Spanish-Speaking Swansea A celebration of the lives, cultures and photographic art of Swansea’s Spanish speakers and learners. Saturday 9th April 5.30-8.30pm Volcano Theatre, 27-29 High Street, Swansea SA1 1LG Refreshments provided
Spanish-speakers in Swansea participated in photography workshops (2021-22) investigating the relationships between migration and identity over time. Led by Humberto Gatica-Leyton, Andrea Ibarra Abreu and Carlos Ibarra Abreu, the workshops were a powerful social and artistic exploration of journeys through the Past, the Present Pandemic, and Uncertain Futures. The result is a visually captivating, emotionally engaging, intellectually stimulating exhibition.
The project was coproduced by the Open University’s Covid Chronicles from the Margins project (, the Iberian and Latin American Association in Wales, and Swansea Asylum Seekers Support. Our thanks to the Open University for funding.
Please share this information and the posters attached, and bring friends and family to join us in this celebration.
Andrea, Carlos, Charly, Humberto, Marie, Patricia and Tom (The Organisers)